Babies Babies Babies

It seems that everywhere I look everyone is becoming pregnant.  Honestly, I’m getting a little bit jealous because although I don’t appear to like kids I know that I will love my own and am so ready to become a mom.  Well…mentally I am ready, but financially I am not ready to have a little one running around.  However I am working on getting a second job so that way I can save up all of my money and be able to become financially stable enough to become a wonderful mother.

One of my closest friends has found out that she is now pregnant and I couldn’t be happier for her.  I am already planning her Gender Reveal party and her Baby Shower and the Daddy’s ‘Huggies and Chuggies’ party.  But before then I am working on the best toolbox for the new daddy.

Daddy Toolbox‘Daddy’s Diaper Changing Toolbox’

Depending on whether its a boy or a girl will depend on the colors that I use throughout the box.  I am going to put the essentials into the box so it is all ready to go for the father when he needs to change his newborn.

Top Essentials
* Diapers
* Wipes
* Diaper Rash Ointment
* Pacifiers
* Bottles
* Change of clothes

These are necessities for a new daddy and you better believe that I will be putting these in the ‘Daddy’s Diaper Changing Toolbox’.

xoxo, H