Roasted Red Pepper, Mozzarella and Basil Stuffed Chicken

If you know the real me then you know that I am not a major fan of cooking.  You would think that with all the Food Network shows I watch I would have a home cooked meal on the table every night, I’m just not that type of woman.  Well after getting bashed and teased about how I’m not a ‘normal’ girl because I don’t like cooking I finally decided to make my man a meal.  Now I’m no Betty Crocker but if you give me a recipe then I can sure as heck follow that recipe to a T and make a great meal.  I was craving chicken that night so I searched and searched and searched for an easy meal because I knew that Ry was gonna be home within the next hour.  I finally found the perfect chicken to try.  It’s a roasted red pepper, mozzarella and basil stuffed chicken.  The picture is what sold me on the recipe, so I put my little invisible chef hat on and headed to Publix.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time:  35 minutes
Total Time:  50 minutes

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
8 ounces fresh mozzarella, sliced into 8 slices
1 12 oz jar of roasted red peppers sliced into 1 inch pieces (about two whole red peppers if you roast your own)
1 bunch of basil, whole leaves
1/4 cup fresh grated parmesan
Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper for seasoning

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a 9×12 casserole dish.  Butterfly chicken breasts by slicing into the long side of the breast, stopping just about 1/4 of an inch from the opposite side.  Lay chicken breast in casserole dish opened up.  Sprinkle the exposed insides of the chicken breast with 1/2 of the Italian seasoning and salt and pepper.  Stack the roasted red pepper, basil, and 1 slice of the mozzarella on the bottom side of the chicken.  Fold the top flap of the chicken over, tucking in the mozzarella, basil and roasted red pepper as necessary.  Sprinkle with the remaining Italian seasoning.  Bake chicken for 30-40 minutes (until chicken is no longer pink).  Pull chicken out of oven and turn the oven to a high broil.  Top chicken with remaining mozzarella slices and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.  Broil until cheese is browned and bubbly, about 5 minutes.
Now normally if I do attempt to cook Ry doesn’t normally like it (he is a VERY picky eater but won’t admit it), however, I will mark the day that I made this chicken because Ry actually admitted that he liked the chicken and would eat it again.  HALLELUJAH!  This is for all you ladies (or men) that get teased because they don’t cook, you CAN do it.  With Pinterest’s help, ANYTHING is possible.
xoxo, H

Trying something new.

Happy Sunday Funday readers,

I hope everyone has had a fabulous Fourth of July weekend celebrating our wonderful countries birthday.  I know that I did.

Today, I was inspired to do something new and creative.  I was inspired by not only my awesome boyfriend but I was also lounging around this morning (coffee in tow) watching Julia and Julia.  I loved the fact that she decided to blog about her one year of trying out Julia Childs recipe book.
So…I have come to the conclusion that I am going to blog once a week, every Sunday, about either a new recipe that we have tried, new projects that we have decided to make for our new home, new decor (where and how much the item was) for our home, and all sorts of other things.  I will post pictures, links and step by step instructions for anything we do.

I will also be posting some other cool new recipes and ideas that I found on pinterest.

To start it off, I will be posting about a new art project that my boyfriend is working on for his man cave.  I hope that you guys will love it as much as I do.

xoxo H

Designer Must Haves

I have been shopping lately constantly (although I am a broke college kid), I have come up with a few Designer must haves that would make one of the absolute cutest outfit for a night on the town with either the girls or if you have yourself a date that night.

Lilly Pulitzer Navy Dress

This Lilly Pulitzer Dress is a fabulous yet casual dress.  The Cassie Boatneck T-Shirt Dress is only $88 and has received great reviews.  This cotton dress is perfect for daytime shopping, to the park or to lunch, then you are able to easily transition this dress into the perfect little date night or dinner with the girls.  This dress is a Lilly girl favorite…I think that you’ll agree.

Tory Burch Croc Print Miller Sandal

A comfortable classic for sunny days and warm getaways, the iconic Miller Sandal — in croc-printed leather with a graphic laser-cut logo — goes with just about anything in your wardrobe. A chic alternative to the basic flip-flop, it’s effortlessly polished.  These sandals are currently on sale and won’t last long.  These sandals are originally $225 but if you act fast then you will be able to snag these babies up for just $157.50


These adorable Kendra Scott Skylar Earrings in Neon Pink pair perfectly with Navy.  The classic arrowhead earrings feature a delicate gold frame around a hot pink stone. Perfect for edgy fashionistas and girly-girls, these statement earrings are the perfect accessory.  These earrings are normally retailed for $65 but are currently $49.97.

These are just a few of my favorite things.  Act fast while the shoes and earrings are on sale.  They are only on sale at the actual website, I will provide the links below.

Lilly Pulitzer Dress:
Tory Burch Shoes:
Kendra Scott Earrings:

50 Healthy Habits every Woman should have!

1. Start fresh every single day.
2. Check your bank account and statements regularly.
3. Adopt a ‘meatless Monday’ mentality.
4. Put your phone down when you are out with people.
5. Try the 2/30 rule. 2 hours of television then 30 minutes of exercise.
6. Understand that exercise doesn’t have to be that big of a time commitment.
7. Cut back on ‘evil’ sugar.
8. Drink warm water with lemon and cayenne pepper daily.
9. Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’, you’ll lose.
10. Use a retinol if you’re starting to get wrinkles.
11. Ask HR about benefits you’re probably not using.
12. Practice safe sex, always.
13. NEVER grocery shop on an empty stomach.
14. Start biking (even if it’s only a little).
15. Keep healthy snacks at home and at work.
16. Stop beating yourself up.
17. Don’t do drugs. It’s that simple.
18. Likewise, stop smoking.
19. Take care of your clothing.
20. Eat whole foods as much as possible.
21. Consolidate and pay off debt as soon as possible.
22. Don’t skip your yearly gyno appointment.
23. Don’t overdo the booze.
24. Don’t snack if you’re not hungry.
25. Use SPF, and wear a hat when you’re in the sun.
26. Don’t rely on pills if you can’t sleep.
27. Drink at least 8 ounces of fluid a day.
28. Make your home a place you want to be.
29. Don’t buy things you know you’ll only wear once.
30. Use youtube for free exercise videos.
31. Google ‘how to make your own cleaning supplies’.
32. Drop loose change into the same jar daily.
33. Stand up for yourself.
34. Avoid tanning beds like the plague.
35. Take medication seriously.
36. Listen to your body.
37. Don’t skimp on sleep.
38. Do mental health checks.
39. Read labels on everything from food to makeup.
40. Prioritize stress management.
41. Optimize your fertility if you plan on kids.
42. Consider drinking liquid chlorophyll.
43. Always wear a seat belt, even in a taxi.
44. Wash your hands often.
45. Floss after every brushing.
46. Sneeze into your arm not your palm.
47. For every 20 minutes on a computer look away for 20 seconds.
48. Count to 10 when you’re angry.
49. Learn to take constructive criticism.
50. Never let Google diagnose you.

Surviving College!

Wow, to think that my first year of college is done and over with and I am now onto my sophomore year. This is crazy to me. Where did the time even go? I’m not going to lie, freshman year of college was very stressful. It was my first year away from home, so of course I wanted to go out and party every weekend. The typical college student to-do list. Let me be the first to tell you, it really takes a toll not only on your grades but your health as well. Towards the end of my last semester I was not feeling myself at all, I would completely snap on people that I love, I would sleep at least 8 hours every night go to school the next day and then come home and take a 2-3 hour nap. I could not keep my eyes open no matter how much coffee I drank each day. I could not keep any food down, or anything inside of me for that matter. I couldn’t walk outside without feeling sick instantly. Needless to say I was miserable.

This summer about a week and a half before school started again I was hospitalized. They didn’t know what was wrong with me, they did numerous tests and they all came back negative. When they tested my blood they saw that my hemoglobin was a 7.1 (normal is 14-18), my potassium was very low and my white blood cell count was sky-high (means your body is fighting an infection) I also had a very hard time breathing and was constantly having serious migraines all day long. Within the next couple of days I then went to the hematologist/oncologist (blood doctor), when they checked my blood my hemoglobin had dropped to a 6.9. He looked at my mom and I and said that I was being directly admitted into the hospital. I was filled with emotions, I tried fighting back the tears but they were overpowering. I felt like I was losing control of myself. I mustered up the courage to tell my mom that I was driving myself, no ambulance, no one was going to drive me (I needed to feel like I was in some sort of control) luckily for me she didn’t put up too much of an argument. That night at the hospital my nurses had such a hard time finding veins to put my IV’s into, as well as they took 14 vitals of blood from me just that night (as if I had enough blood in my body to share) by the end of the night my hemoglobin was a 6.2, I could hardly keep my eyes open let alone breath properly. During my stay at the hospital I underwent numerous x-rays, a colonoscopy (at 19, talk about freaking out), 2 separate transfusions of blood so I had 4 units all together, an iron transfusion, I was then taken off of all foods and drinks for 4 days, I had a pic line put into my arm and followed a vein all the way down to my heart. They finally came to a conclusion about my diagnosis, but they still are not 100% sure.

Chron’s: the college girls disease. This disease is linked with female college students who are under a lot of stress and pressure, as well as not getting enough sleep and nutrients that the body needs to function properly. Ladies I cannot stress this enough, GET SLEEP, EAT WELL, DON’T PARTY EVERY WEEKEND…trust me, it isn’t worth your health and feeling like you are almost about to die laying in that hospital bed for a week and a half.

Tips for surviving college maybe a little less stressed:
1. GO TO CLASS: Most of the time attendance is mandatory, you’re only hurting yourself by not showing up. Yes, I understand some classes may be boring and the professor just reads right off of the slide but you gotta go to class. That attendance grade may be what is helping you pass your class.
2. DON’T WORRY ABOUT BOYS/GIRLS: You are at college to learn and to further your education for your future. You will have plenty of time later on to go and search for your soulmate.
3. DO YOUR HOMEWORK: Holy cow, homework! Yes, homework can take five hours for one class but you need to do it. Homework is for sure one good way to either make or break you for that class.
4. STUDY STUDY STUDY: How do I elaborate on this..? Oh, STUDYY!! That’s all I can really say. You need to study. I know I sound like your mother but god forbid you don’t study and then you have to retake the classes, trust me it’s not fun at all.
5. ORGANIZE: Get a planner. It doesn’t have to be fancy, go to Wal-Mart and buy a $5 planner. Use it, and learn to love it. Refer to it every day and tote that bad boy around with you in your backpack or if it’s small enough then just slip it on into your purse. College is a busy time juggling exams, papers, extracurricular’s, and social engagements. All of this should be written in your planner and checked off once you have done that task.
6. CHOOSE CLASSES WISELY: If math is not your strong suit and you are choosing between an easier and a harder class, take the easier class. Use it as a refresher before taking the harder class. If it turns out to be way too easy for you then consider it a boost in your GPA!
7. GET ENOUGH SLEEP: We’ve all pulled an all-nighter at some point (come on, we’re in college). It’s not worth it, your work won’t be your best and you’ll know it. You were exhausted, loopy, jittery from caffeine, and checking the clock every 5 minutes because you can’t believe that you are still somewhat functioning at such an ungodly hour. Give yourself 2 days in advance and treat your exam or paper as if it needs to be completely wrapped up by then.
8. GO TO OFFICE HOURS: If you have questions, need clarification about an assignment or exam then go to the office hours. Remember to introduce yourself and your professor will see that you do care about the class and are looking to get a better grade.
9. MINIMIZE DISTRACTIONS: If your like me then distractions are so well..distracting. Remove these distractions from you. Have your roommate take your phone and not give it back until you have finished your assignment or whatever you are working on.
10. MASTER A STUDY SYSTEM: Everyone studies differently, you need to find out what works best for you. Whether it be studying by yourself, or studying in a group setting. Figure out what is best for you and do it.
11. REVIEW: Too many students fall into the cycle of blowing off their work until the night before it’s due. Then they go crazy cramming the night before. If you study a little bit every night then you should be able to walk into the exam and breeze right on through it.
12. GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: Yes, there is a thing as studying too much. Know when you need to take a break, it isn’t a big deal. If you work all week long then take all day Saturday off and do something that makes you happy. Don’t be the person who stays in their room all semester long and never comes out because they are too busy studying or doing homework. You need to get out and have a little interaction with people every now and then.

21 Things to Look For in a Boyfriend


1. Regardless of his height, he is comfortable with the way he looks around you.  You don’t have to date a guy who is taller than most, but he can’t be someone who is threatened to be seen with you.2. He genuinely makes you laugh (because he is funny, not because you think he is attractive and want to flatter him), and not a self-conscious little giggle, either.  He makes you belly laugh and choke on your own laughter and tear up with laughter and laugh so hard you think you’re going to pee yourself.
3. He loves your laugh, even your ‘ugly’ laugh.
4. He remembers little things about you, even things that other people might consider unimportant or too minor.  He knows what your favorite dish at the Thai place is.  He knows what movie you two watched on your first date.  He knows the blanket you love to curl up with when you’re reading.
5. Whether or not he has the same taste in music or movies as you, he is always willing to try something new that you really like, or that neither of you have seen before.
6. He doesn’t put you down for liking what you like.
7. You always feel welcome around his friends, even if they aren’t the people that you would hang out with every day, and they are always friendly and open to you.  There is never a point at which you feel there is ‘your boyfriend’ and then ‘the person he is around his friends.’
8. His family is not perfect, because no one is, but they try their best and are good people and you feel comfortable around them.
9. He does not cheat on you, would never cheat on you, and doesn’t even give the vague, nagging suspicion that he might cheat on you at some point in the future.  Regardless of the problems you may encounter, being betrayed is simply not a possibility.
10. His vision of the future is very similar to yours, or at least is flexible enough to adjust to what you both may end up wanting.  (Wasting time with someone who does not want what you want, and never will, is unfair to both of you.)
11. He has a healthy relationship with going out, drinking, and socializing.  He is neither completely dependent or absolutely uncomfortable with either of those things.
12. With him you are comfortable both going out together and spending time separately with your individual groups of friends – there is no need to be constantly joined at the hip, for fear that he may stray or any other reason.
13. He is willing to consider long-distance if it has to be done for a certain period of time, but at least ultimately has plans to be near you (because no matter how good it is, long-distance can’t last forever).
14. He doesn’t have hang-ups or judgments about your body, and shows all of it affection and attention.  You don’t feel ugly or uncomfortable around him, nor that you are not good enough for him physically.
15. He has similar religious views to you – or lack thereof – or is willing to accept that you’re both different.  Few things manifest in more ugly ways than the small seeds of disagreement over fundamental beliefs like religion.
16. He is open-minded, and not just about things that he doesn’t really care about.  Even for more important subjects like politics or culture, he is able to listen to others and give meaningful responses without being petty or childish.
17. He is mature and comfortable about the human body and all of its weird functions, and doesn’t make a big deal out of things that happen naturally.  Instead of feeling uncomfortable when something weird happens during sex, for example, you both just laugh.
18. He doesn’t make fun of you if you say you are offended or upset by something he says.  He is actually capable of thinking about the consequences of his words and understanding that not all hurt is inflicted physically.
19. He votes, and understands why it’s important.
20. He is attractive (to your own individual standard), but the vast majority of your interest in him stems from things other than what he looks like.
21. He respects himself enough to want all of these things from you, too.